Posts in Thought-Leadership
Education 4.0: Here Are 3 Skills That Students Will Need for the Jobs of the Future

Our CEO Asheesh Advani discusses the three skills students will need for the jobs of the future on the WEF blog.

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JA USA CEO on Pandemic-Related Job Loss and Financial Realities

The COVID-19 pandemic is not only the most significant public health crisis facing the world in a century, it’s also an economic one.

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Caroline Jenner and Asheesh Advani Author Article on the Global Entrepreneurship Week Blog

With entrepreneurship in our DNA, we're proud to be a Global Entrepreneurship Week partner this week.

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JA Staff Speaks at the WEF Meeting of the New Champions, the UN General Assembly, and the Global Youth Economics Opportunities Summit

Asheesh Advani was in China; Brandie Conforti in New York City, and Carolyn Bassett in Washington, D.C.

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JA Americas President Competes in Ironman Triathlon

Leo Martellotto, President of JA Americas, recently completed the Ironman Triathlon in South Africa while wearing the JA Centennial logo. He discusses the ways the two overlap.

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Brandie Conforti's Article on Partnerships Featured in The Diplomatic Courier

Our Global Chief Development Officer, Brandie Conforti, calls on her nearly two decades of experience to discuss the importance of partnerships in achieving the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs).

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JA Worldwide Presents Policy Paper to G20 Education Ministers

At the G20 Summit this week in Argentina, the G20 education ministers will receive Education, The Future of the Labour Market, and Youth Skills, a policy paper authored by JA Worldwide and The Brookings Institute.

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Devex Chats with JA Worldwide's CEO

Devex, the social enterprise and media platform for the global development community, recently interviewed our CEO, Asheesh Advani.

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JA Is an Organizational Partner at the Largest Education Conference in the World

The Global Education & Skills Forum brings together leaders from the public, private, and social sectors in order to address the challenges of education, equity, and employment for all. JA was there.

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Bechtel Inspires Girls to Dream Big and Think Differently about STEM Careers

2018 is the Year of Engineering, and February is Bechtel's Stewardship Month, so we're celebrating our Signature Partnership with Bechtel in our thought-leadership magazine, JA Good Company.

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Citi and JA Celebrate 30 Year of Collaboration

For 30 years, Citi and Citi Foundation have worked with JA to ensure pathways to opportunity and upward mobility for youth. Read our latest thought-leadership article on building and scaling global partnerships.

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JA USA CEO, Jack Kosakowski, Pens Monthly Column in Forbes

When Forbes launched its Forbes Nonprofit Council last year, Jack Kosakowski (CEO of JA USA) took on the responsibility of writing a monthly column, aimed at helping nonprofit leaders address their biggest challenges.

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Akef Aqrabawi, INJAZ Al-Arab's CEO, Discusses Jobless Arab Youth on the WEF Blog

Akef Aqrabawi, CEO of INJAZ Al-Arab, shares his thoughts on why young Arabs can't enter the industries that interest them.

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JA at World Economic Forum on Latin America 2017

Last week, JA Worldwide's CEO, Asheesh Advani, and JA Americas' President, Leo Martellotto, participated in the World Economic Forum on Latin America.

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Save the Date: World Economic Forum on Latin America 2017

JA will take a lead role in the World Economic Forum on Latin America next week. Save the date and follow the event on Twitter.

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Leo Martellotto and Asheesh Advani Pair Up for World Economic Forum on Latin America 2017

As part of the World Economic Forum on Latin America 2017, our CEO, Asheesh Advani, and JA Americas President, Leo Martellotto, have jointly written an article for the WEF blog.

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JA Worldwide CEO Invited to Shaping Davos Event on "Meeting the Youth Imperative"

Unable to attend the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland? No worries! Watch a live-streamed Shaping Davos session featuring our CEO, Asheesh Advani.

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Our CEO Speaks at WEF; Contributes to Our Thought-Leadership Magazine

As our CEO, Asheesh Advani, takes the stage in Davos for a WEF panel on reshaping education, he has also released an article identifying the single most important skill students need for the jobs of the future.

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