Education 4.0: Here Are 3 Skills That Students Will Need for the Jobs of the Future

January 2, 2023

The Education 4.0 initiative from the World Economic Forum presents a unique opportunity to upgrade educational systems around the world. Centering individual skill-building and classroom learning around three skills—problem-solving, collaboration, and adaptability—offers young people the greatest opportunity to succeed in the global economy. Today on the WEF blog, our CEO Asheesh Advani explains why in “Education 4.0: Here are 3 skills that students will need for the jobs of the future”:

  • Education 4.0 reimagines education as an inclusive, lifelong experience that places the responsibility for skill-building on the learner, with teachers and mentors acting as facilitators and enablers.

  • To create the environment required to foster Education 4.0, existing educational systems must be upgraded and invested in.

  • Problem-solving, collaboration and adaptability are the three critical skills that Education 4.0 must impart to students.