JA Staff Speaks at the WEF Meeting of the New Champions, the UN General Assembly, and the Global Youth Economics Opportunities Summit

September 24, 2018

At the World Economic Forum Meeting of the New Champions (often called "Summer Davos") in Tianjin, China, Asheesh was on stage for the "Educating Innovative Societies" panel. Read a review of his talk or watch the full panel, below.

A week later, during Global Goals Week, Brandie Conforti, JA Worldwide’s Chief Global Development Officer, served on "The SDGs in Action” panel during the UN General Assembly, building on an article citing the need for global partnerships she published in The Diplomatic Courier, the global affairs media network that specializes in international affairs, diplomacy, and social good. Later that week, JA Worldwide Vice President of Global Development, Carolyn Bassett, served on a panel with Johnson & Johnson and FHI360 at the Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit in Washington, D.C., in which she discussed collaborative partnerships that expand STEM opportunities for young people.