JA Worldwide on the World Economic Forum Agenda: Reframing the Role of Educators

January 11, 2022

We all start out as optimists, but research shows that optimism peaks in our teen years, and then fades throughout our lifetimes. On today's World Economic Forum Agenda, JA Worldwide CEO Asheesh Advani shares five ideas for creating an optimism curriculum that builds a lifetime mindset.

Reframing the role of educators: Five ways to maintain childlike optimism

by Asheesh Advani, CEO, JA Worldwide

  • Research shows optimism tends to peak in late youth before declining over most people’s lifetimes in some countries.

  • Teaching young people skills such as reframing, taking action, gratitude and mindfulness could help them to maintain a valuable childlike sense of optimism as they age.

  • Educational experiences that encourage optimism, innovation and empowerment encourage students to work harder and make a difference in the world, according to NGO JA Worldwide.

The best educational experiences not only build skillsets but also develop a mindset that encourages optimism, innovation, and empowerment. In such a learning environment:

· Students discover that failure is a natural part of the learning process, not an embarrassment to avoid;

· Youth learn that consistent practice and hard work—rather than innate talent only—lead to positive outcomes;

· Thanks to role models from similar backgrounds, young people envision a future in which they have the agency to make a positive impact on their families, communities, and the broader world.

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