Register for the Free Teacher Tech Summit 2022

January 10, 2022

Attention, teachers: Registration is open for the free Teacher Tech Summit 2022!

Organized by T4, a global organization committed to providing engaging tools, initiatives, and events for teachers, the Teacher Tech Summit was created for teachers by teachers to offer a global space to share best practices and results. The first Teacher Tech Summit in 2021 included over 46,000 teachers from 149 countries. In 2022, T4 is expanding the platform over two days, March 25–26, with registration available in Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

View the 2022 agenda, and don’t miss the JA Worldwide Immersive-Learning Demo Day, during which participants will go on an interactive journey through experiential, “any time, anywhere,” programs what build future-ready competencies, hone the skillsets that employers and universities value most, and complement core curricula. We hope to see you there!

Register now!