Posts in February2016
JA Asia Pacific Students Compete for Company of the Year and Other Awards

Out of the 17,000 student who participate in the JA Company Program in Asia Pacific, only 59 qualified for the JA Asia Pacific Company of the Year Competition. 

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A Moment of Pure Joy from JA Asia Pacific's Company of the Year Competition

Watch Team CED from JA Korea react to winning JA Asia Pacific's Company of the Year Competition. It'll make your day. 

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Business Planet/EuroBusiness News Features JA Spain

Business Planet/EuroBusiness News features JA in its most recent segment, speaking with alumni and staff from JA Spain. Take a look!

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Bank of America Merrill Lynch Volunteers Work at Innovation Camp

Bank of America Merrill Lynch volunteers spent the day with INJAZ UAE (United Arab Emirates) students at an INJAZ Innovation Camp.

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Midweek Motivation from Entrepreneur Jim Rohn

We've been magnifying skills—and keeping dreams alive—since 1919.

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February2016JA Worldwide
Scotiabank Teams up with JA US Virgin Islands

Scotiabank teamed up with JA US Virgin Islands to sponsor "Economics for Success" for the third consecutive year.

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Midweek Motivation from Oprah Winfrey

JA helps you build skills to reach your highest potential, without putting a "ceiling on yourself."

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February2016JA Worldwide
JA Europe Launches "JA Back to School" Entrepreneurial Education Campaign

Our CEO, Asheesh Advani, participated in yesterday's launch of JA Europe's JA Back to School campaign to increase investment in and support of entrepreneurship education.

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Wishing You a Happy Lunar New Year

In many cultures all over the world, the Lunar New Year begins today. We hope the Year of the Monkey brings prosperity to you and your family.

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February2016JA Worldwide
FedEx Launches Global Giving Platform: FedEx Cares

FedEx Cares will focus on five pillars of strategic investment: Delivering for Good, Sustainable Transportation, Employment Pathways, Road Safety, and Global Entrepreneurship.

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JA Worldwide Holds Historic Board Meeting in Peru

Last week, our senior leadership team and Board of Governors meet in Peru for the first time in JA's history. View photos and watch video from the event.

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Get Your Free Copy of What It's Worth

Our free copy of What It’s Worth: Strengthening the Financial Future of Families, Communities and the Nation, for which our CEO contributed an essay, has arrived. Get your free copy today.

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Impulsa Mexico Changes Name to JA Mexico

It's official: "Impulsa Mexico" is now "JA Mexico," and the name change launched with a beautiful campaign about worldwide branding.

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Monday Motivation That JA Students Live and Breathe

JA students and alumni around the world are spending their Monday on one impossible idea after another. 

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February2016JA Worldwide