Ten Years As a Bechtel Signature Program Partner

March 30, 2022

For ten years, JA Worldwide has been honored to be one of only four Bechtel Signature Program partners. With a shared goal of promoting education in communities around the world, our partnership has impacted hundreds of thousands of young people from all six JA regions.

At the conclusion of the 2021 grant period, we will have reached over 100,000 youth in 15 countries from Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East & North Africa, and the United States as a result of our partnership.

Most recently, Bechtel’s support enabled INJAZ Bahrain to implement JA More than Money, a program that teaches savings and money management via virtual workshops, in-person workshops, and self-study. Although organizers hoped to reach 1,350 students for the 2021–2022 academic year, INJAZ Bahrain far surpassed that goal, reaching 6,836 students with the help of 105 volunteers.

Across the world, JA Peru implemented Ingenia Mujer, a program that focuses on raising awareness of engineering careers among girls and women, thanks to the Bechtel partnership. Ingenia Mujere engages students in their third, fourth, and fifth years of secondary school and sparks interest in technology and engineering careers. The program also offers opportunities for professional and personal development, helping them to overcome stereotypes and strengthening skills to increase students’ confidence and self-efficacy. The program also exposes students to professionals in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields via virtual presentations and conversations.

Take a look back at some of the ways Bechtel worked with JA around the world . . .