William Salomon, Hansa Capital Partners

William Salomon studied law but his career has been predominantly in the investment business.

William is the Senior Partner of Hansa Capital Partners, Deputy Chairman of Ocean Wilsons Holdings Limited and its listed subsidiary Wilson Sons Limited and a Director of Hansa Trust PLC. William has extensive knowledge of all aspects of private client and strategic fund investment business.

William was responsible for developing Finsbury Asset Management and the Finsbury range of funds based on the concept of early recognition of key investment trends, such as life sciences and technology, and appointing specialist managers until taken over in 1995 by Rea Brothers Group, the family’s bank of which he eventually became Chairman. In 1999 Rea Brothers Group was taken over by Close Brothers Group when William was appointed Deputy Chairman of the investment division. William has served on the board of a number of investment and trading companies.

Young Enterprise has always been an important part of William’s life, as his father Sir Walter founded the charity in 1962. William is delighted to be President and a regular financial supporter of the UK’s largest enterprise education charity.

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