JA Worldwide and JA Alumni Discuss Mental Well-Being on the WEF Blog

September 3, 2024

The World Economic Forum (WEF) published a thought-leadership piece on the importance of mental fitness authored by JA Worldwide CEO Asheesh Advani and mental fitness expert (and JA alumna) Maya Raichoora. The piece advocates for teaching mental fitness in the same way schools have taught physical fitness for the last half-century. 

How to Prioritize Young People's Mental Well-being by Teaching Mental Fitness

Even before the global pandemic, UNICEF estimated that one in seven adolescents experienced poor mental health. By 2022, the World Health Organization was reporting that depression and anxiety had increased by more than 25% in the first year of the pandemic alone.

To realize a world in which young people's mental health is prioritized and protected, we propose adding mental fitness to school curricula and employee resources, following a model similar to teaching physical fitness and well-being.

By fostering mental fitness from an early age and continuing that support throughout their working lives, we can equip the world's youth with the tools they need to navigate life's challenges. As practitioners, we – Maya Raichoora and Asheesh Advani – advocate for proactive and preventive measures and self-efficacy in mental fitness.

Read the full article to learn more about how and why we're advocating for proactive and preventive measures and self-efficacy in mental fitness, and how our partnership with Z Zurich Foundation is helping make this concept come to life.