Vivian Lau Honored with 2019 Soraya Salti Award

December 5, 2019

Vivian Lau received the Soraya Salti Award at the 2019 JA Global Leadership Conference Gala Dinner in Berlin, Germany, on November 21, 2019. The award, created in memory of Soraya Salti, the visionary leader who started INJAZ Al-Arab in the Middle East in 1999, recognizes JA leaders who are committed visionaries and push the boundaries to move JA forward in a positive way, particularly to bring systematic change to a country or region. The Soraya Salti Award recognizes Vivian Lau as a committed and visionary leader who leads by example.

Vivian first became involved with JA as CEO of JA Hong Kong in 2004. After 11 years, she took up the position as President and CEO of JA Asia Pacific. She secured charity status for JA Asia Pacific in Hong Kong, and then developed the breadth and depth of the regional operating center’s programs and capabilities, increasing both the capacity of JA Asia Pacific capacity and the number of JA member nations across the region.

The award, presented by previous winners JA Europe CEO Caroline Jenner and INJAZ Yemen CEO Majid Khalid Alshammiri, and INJAZ Al-Arab CEO Akef Aqrabawi, who also worked closely with Soraya Salti. This award is a highlight of Vivian’s legacy and leadership with JA in Asia Pacific and the pride of the region.

In her five years as President and CEO of JA Asia Pacific, Vivian successfully founded and established the youngest JA regional operating center from a zero base, leading the region to significant accomplishments:

  • Instilled strategic leadership and partnerships that have resulted in an expanded and robust funding base and implemented high-impact regional projects focused on reaching the tipping point for the benefit of our youth and JA Asia Pacific member nations.

  • Drove the delivery of future-focused and innovative learning services, which has furthered long-term sustainability and enabled continuous investment in human capital, service improvements, and quality.

  • Built a strong collaborative network in Asia Pacific focused on growth, innovation, technology, and strategic partnership.

  • Developed the breadth and depth of the regional operating center’s programs and capabilities, including growing and leading a dedicated regional team, each of whom has been recognized as leaders in their specialized domains.

  • Increased the number of JA member nations in Asia Pacific from 14 to 18 in five years.

  • Spearheaded a teacher-driven strategy and tripartite ecosystem to deliver financial literacy to over 350,000 youth since 2016 and implemented high-impact modern learning experiences in multiple locations across the Asia Pacific.

  • Established JA’s position as a thought leader in the region by sharing insights on youth education and showcasing the success stories of JA alumni in leading regional and global forums and conferences.

On behalf of the JA Asia Pacific Board, Karen Reddington, Board chair of JA Asia Pacific, said, “Vivian’s legacy leadership is pivotal to the establishment, growth, and expansion of the JA Asia Pacific regional operating center. As President and CEO of the Asia Pacific region, with whatever she worked on, she simply made things better than it was ever before her involvement. She has grown the board in its capabilities and diversity, the number and amounts of regional sponsorships, the JA member offices in its range of program deliveries and student reach, and the overall reputation and impact of JA in the Asia Pacific region.”

After 15 years of inspirational journey with JA, Vivian has left her position as President and CEO of JA Asia Pacific to join her family business as Vice Chair and Group CEO of Pacific Air Holdings Limited. However, she will continue her journey with JA on the global level by joining the JA Worldwide Board on July 1, 2020.

Asheesh Advani, President and CEO of JA Worldwide, said, “Leading JA Asia Pacific has been more than just a job for Vivian. She has engaged JA Asia Pacific member nations across the region to focus on innovation, growth, and sustainability. Sponsors go to Vivian for insights and as their sounding board for strategic planning and new projects, which has led to numerous new opportunities for the JA network. We are excited for Vivian to remain involved with JA as a board member at the global and national levels, and as a corporate supporter for JA for many years to come.”

Vivian said, “The Soraya Salti Award is a powerful and humble reminder of not the distance traveled but the exciting journey ahead. Leaving JA is one of my most difficult life’s decisions. As I start a new chapter, I look forward to continuing to serve our youth and JA in my future capacity as a member of the JA Worldwide Board of Governors. Once JA, forever JA. And all for youth!”

She has also created and committed to sponsoring the JA Asia Pacific Visionary Leadership Award to recognize JA staff members in Asia Pacific who exemplify visionary leadership in their work. JA Asia Pacific and its member nations are grateful for the opportunity and will continue be guided by Vivian’s vision for JA in the region. “Serving youth, our future leaders, in the last 15 years has been the most inspiring, humbling, and rewarding experience of my career,” she said. “I am indebted to the JA Asia Pacific network and the regional operating center team for their passionate leadership and unwavering commitment to a common goal of inspiring and empowering our youth. We could not have come this far without our many supporters, sponsors, partners, alumni, and JA Worldwide.

Sevinj Mammadova, Executive Director of JA Azerbaijan remarked, “As Vivian always says, when students cannot come to JA, we go to them. She walked her talk and applied the same mentality to her JA member nations. Her visit to Azerbaijan is one of the most memorable and valuable experience for everyone at JA Azerbaijan. Vivian embodies every element of the JA spirit and would utilize all available resources to support young people to achieve their dreams.”

Alice Chou, Board Member of JA Asia Pacific board and acting CEO of JA China commented, “Vivian is an enabler, a catalyst. I witnessed her tireless dedication and endless creativity, and she remained optimistic and steadfast despite the challenges faced in the region. We thank her tremendous contribution to the growth and health of many JA member nations.”       

Rob Gardiner, Executive Director of Prestasi Junior Indonesia (JA Indonesia) said, “Vivian is a huge asset to the JA Asia Pacific region. We’ve benefitted from Vivian’s exceptional ability to strengthen current relationships and build new relationships with stakeholders at all levels. Her comprehensive network affords new opportunities, as many stakeholders are willing to share with Vivian their intended directions and any new initiatives they may be considering.”

Sunah Lee, Senior Manager of JA Korea and a JA Worldwide Fellow added, “Vivian is a visionary leader who inspired not only the youth in the region but also all JA staff she met. As a mentor, Vivian values investing in my personal development, sees my potential and care how I am treated as a woman leader, and brings positive changes to those who know her and worked with her.”

Doan Bich Ngoc, Executive Director of JA Vietnam said, “We at JA Vietnam cannot express enough our big thanks and appreciation to Vivian for her facilitation of the radical management change in our organization (restructuring of JA Vietnam’s board and leadership team for sustainable operations). Vivian pushes each and every one of us to be our better selves and empower us to strive for excellence and achieve success with integrity.”

The JA Asia Pacific Board of Directors has established a selection committee to search for a long-term successor for Vivian. Michael Mercieca, a JA veteran and former CEO of Young Enterprise (JA in the UK), has joined JA Asia Pacific as interim CEO to enable a well-managed transition before the successor is appointed.