JA Worldwide's Statement on Racial Equality

June 19, 2020

For over 100 years, JA has been preparing young people for employment and entrepreneurship, equipping youth with the skillset and mindset they need to succeed. Operating in over 115 countries on six continents, the JA network is locally operated, making JA the very definition of diverse. 

Given the diversity of our global network and of the 12+ million students we serve each year, we believe now is the time to speak emphatically on issues of racial oppression, violence, and discrimination against Black and Indigenous lives and communities of color throughout the world. In this defining moment, JA Worldwide stands shoulder to shoulder with the individuals, communities, organizations, and countries working toward racial equality. These are our commitments:

  • We will include Black and Indigenous professionals when selecting role models for the youth we serve, ensuring that young people from all backgrounds see themselves in JA volunteers and mentors.

  • We will accelerate our ongoing efforts for JA staff and boards to mirror the communities and geographies we serve.

  • We will broadcast globally the ideas and reflections of people of color from our network, especially those in JA leadership positions and in our alumni community.

  • We will embolden our leadership throughout the world to be allies of anti-racism movements, both in our personal lives and when speaking and writing on behalf of JA.

JA Worldwide’s core value is our belief in the boundless potential of young people. Year after year, JA students never fail to inspire us, and it is our privilege to educate a generation that is using its voice to make the world more equitable, ethical, and just. We will continue not only to empower young people with the skills to build sustainable movements but also to instill in them the hope to envision a better world.