JA Worldwide Named One of the Most Impactful NGOs in the World

March 4, 2019

NGO Advisor released its annual list of the most impactful 500 nonprofits and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for 2019, and JA Worldwide came in at number 7. This is the first time JA Worldwide has been named to this prestigious list, joining six other newcomers this year.

Using a rigorous methodology to analyze and assess NGOs across the globe, NGO Advisor measures and analyzes organizations by focusing on innovation, impact, and governance. They monitor “the international nonprofit community for ideas, practices, and models that challenge traditional approaches to the non-governmental organization.”

NGO Advisor calls JA Worldwide “one of the most influential networks connecting entrepreneurs all over the planet.” JA Worldwide’s CEO, Asheesh Advani, agrees: “JA Worldwide is honored to be listed by NGO Advisor in our Centennial year as one of the most impactful NGOs in the world. The JA Worldwide network, with offices in over 115 countries, is part of a community of youth-serving organizations that, collectively, are changing society. By preparing more than 10 million young people each year for employment and entrepreneurship, we’re helping every child have access to the skills, mindset, and experiences required by the jobs of the future. We recognize that much work remains in ensuring that no young person is cast aside or left behind, and we look forward to rising to this challenge in our second century.”