JA Worldwide Celebrates Global Entrepreneurship Week 2022

November 18, 2022

Each year, JA partners with Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) to spotlight youth voices, offer inspiring opportunities to our students and alumni, and celebrate the entrepreneurial mindset.

We kicked off GEW this year by opening the 2023 nominations for the Global Business Hall of Fame. There’s no better place than the Global Business Hall of Fame to find inspiring stories that celebrate the entrepreneurial mindset. Through January 27, you can nominate the innovators and leaders in your community who deserve a spot among the world’s greatest business minds. Learn more and submit your nominations at businesshalloffame.org/nominate.

Then, our CEO Asheesh Advani joined Jonathan Ortmans, President of the Global Entrepreneurship Network (the force behind GEW), on the Unleashing Ideas podcast to discuss youth, entrepreneurship, prosperity, and peace . . . including how to build confidence in the next generation through the power of self-efficacy.

We continued celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week 2022 by sharing the story of the entrepreneurs from Puzzle Pieces Marketing, the firm behind Junior Achievement of San Diego County's eye-popping new website, one of our favorite early examples of JA's exciting modernized brand. Read more.

As the week wrapped up, we shared an incredible story of Ung Företagsamhet Sverige (JA Sweden) alumnus Azad Ali, whose path to entrepreneurship took a number of harrowing turns. At 12 years old, Azad escaped from Kurdistan in Northern Iraq, and after several years of dangerous travels, he finally ended up in Sweden, where he began training as a skilled carpenter, and participated in the JA Company Program through Ung Företagsamhet Sverige. From there, he said, "My entrepreneurial journey took off." Read Azad’s story.

Azad is the face of this month’s JA and Goodwall challenge, #IAmAnInnovator, which asks young people to share stories of how they've used their entrepreneurial mindset to innovate in school, family, social life, a volunteering opportunity, or their career paths. Winners will receive cash prizes! Learn more.

Check out a sampling of Global Entrepreneurship Week activities and celebrations from the JA network: