JA China Hosts the 2018 JA Asia Pacific Company of the Year Competition

April 2, 2018

Reaching more than 16,000 young entrepreneurs, 2018 marked the eighth annual JA Asia Pacific Company of the Year Competition. Student companies represented 14 locations, including Brunei, China, Guam, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Turkmenistan, and Vietnam.

In addition to student companies participating in the event from the Asia Pacific region, student companies from JA Denmark and JA Gabon also joined as exhibiting student companies to enhance the cross-border experience for all participants.

After the Opening Ceremony, students attended the FedEx Access Seminar, led by Wilson Chung, Regional Vice President at FedEx Express. Students learned how to open new markets and create products/services that improve lives around the world.

Students then made their business presentations to our panel of distinguished judges, sat down with them for interviews, and set up trade fair booths. The winners of the JA Asia Pacific Company of the Year Awards were announced at Gala Dinner in Beijing, China on March 31.

JA Student Company Entrepezo Nature Indonesia from Indonesia took the first prize for its natural USB air freshener, using a sustainable business model.

JA Student Company Prima Facie from the Philippines came second with its comfortable white sneakers with waterlily leather, incorporating a unisex design and strong environmental commitment.

Third place went to JA Student Company Harness from Hong Kong, which designed sniffer boxes in 12 sophisticated designs that hold natural fragrances that generate positive energy.

Voted by other participating JA student companies, Student Company Fullfill from Guam won the Entrepreneurs’ Choice Award with its tote bags (filluv cases), designed to provide Guam's foster children with necessities.

JA Student Company CYCLO from Korea won the FedEx Access Award, sponsored by FedEx. CYCLO came up with the idea of producing eco-friendly flower pots in sizes and designs that can be changed by using a 3D printer. The company demonstrated an excellent understanding of global connectivity in its business model.

JA Student Company SMANCIS SC 2 from Indonesia won the Belt and Road Award, sponsored by Road King Investment and Asset Management and Road King Expressway. SMANCIS SC 2 developed a super-lacto liquid fertilizer made from organic trash. The student company demonstrated an excellent understanding of the business opportunity brought by the Belt and Road Initiative.

With the competition finished, students had their graduation moment and were welcomed to the JA Asia Pacific alumni family!

Special note: JA China served and impacted over six million youth in their first 25 years. JA Worldwide CEO, Asheesh Advani; JA Asia Pacific Board Chair, Steve Wong; and JA Asia Pacific President, Vivian Lau congratulated Founder and President of JA China, Paul Chou, and Acting Board Chair of JA China, Alice Chou, on the 25th anniversary of JA China.