JA and InSpring Collaborate to Transform the Future of Fashion

May 15, 2018

Heralding a ground-breaking collaboration, representatives from JA Worldwide, Mostafiz Uddin (a visionary and pioneer in the Bangladesh textile industry), Douwe Jan Joustra (Head of Circular Transformation, C&A Foundation), and InSpring will share plans to establish youth as a driving force for circular fashion on Wednesday, May 16, at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit.

The abundant potential of the young people we work with will, over the next three years, be harnessed in innovative ways to drive and accelerate transformation across multiple brands in the fashion industry.

Pioneering the approach is Mostafiz Uddin, Managing Director of apparel manufacturer Denim Expert Ltd. Bangladesh, who is eager to respond to increasing calls from young people for stylish and affordable fashion without negative social and environmental consequences. Despite several well-intentioned, well-funded and highly collaborative initiatives across the fashion industry to create more circular products, value chains, and business models, the voice and meaningful involvement of young people in these initiatives is largely absent.

The launch session of this collaboration will be hosted by InSpring, Dr Holly Dublin, and Peter Ingwersen and attended by JA Europe on Wednesday. Meanwhile, read more from InSpring's Founder and Director, Steven Lang, on our thought-leadership magazine, Good Company.