JA Americas Holds 14th-Annual COY in Guatemala

December 6–8, 2022

Yesterday, JA Americas kicked off its 14th  Company of the Year competition, an annual event that extends students' entrepreneurship training through the JA Company Program. Hosted by JA Guatemala, this is the first regional face-to-face Company of the Year (COY) since 2019 and the first COY ever held in Central America. Eighteen student companies from eight countries joined the three-day competition, which includes a trade fair, seminars, and interviews with top regional business people, entrepreneurs, and other role models. The event, sponsored by FedEx, Delta Air Lines, and the Project Management Institute (PMI), includes four stages of competition:

  1. One month prior to the event, each student company submits a Company Report that summarizes the previous year in business.

  2. At the Trade Fair on Day 1, each student company showcases and markets its product or service to judges and event guests.

  3. On Day 2, each student company gives a five-minute Business Presentation to a panel of judges. Students include the highs and lows of their company’s year and have the opportunity to promote their business to potential investors in the audience. The judges are able to ask questions, as well.

  4. Students participate in Interviews with the Judges on Day 3. Judges can ask any questions about the student company’s performance as well as any questions they may develop after reading business reports and visiting trade fair booths.

This year’s COY coincided with the International Forum of Entrepreneurs Guatemala (FIE Guate), adding additional opportunities to students attending COY. FIE—a JA event held throughout Latin America—brings together young people between the ages of 16 and 24 for a variety of conferences, workshops, competitions, and integration activities focused on entrepreneurship. Throughout its 24-year history, FIE events have changed the lives of the many thousands of young people who have participated. Learn more about FIE Guate.

COY 2022

On Day 1, students set up their trade fair booths before attending the opening ceremony, which included seminars from signature award sponsors Delta and the Project Management Institute (PMI). After lunch, FedEx hosted the FedEx Global Possibilities seminar. In 2007, FedEx became the founding sponsor with JA Worldwide to expand regional JA Company of the Year competitions around the world. The FedEx Global Possibilities signature award emphasizes the importance of global access in a world that’s more connected than ever. The winners of the award demonstrate how their company is driven by innovation and how it’s connecting new markets, fueling community development, and addressing sustainability and social responsibility. Each year, this award incentivizes young entrepreneurs to seek higher achievement and recognition at regional JA competitions around the world by creating products and services that improve lives.

Meet the JA Student Companies

JA Argentina – Coralia is on a mission to replace disposable cups. With its unique reusable cup, Coralia hopes to raise awareness of the impact of human pollution on the oceans. Watch the video pitch.

JA Argentina – Dentalis sells toothpaste tablets in convenient packages. While traditional plastic toothpaste tubes have a negative impact on the environment, Dentalis tablets come in metal containers, reducing plastic waste and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Watch the video pitch.

JA Argentina – Good Energy’s lavender-scented soy candle comes with a holder made of recycled glass and wood. The use of recycled materials resulted in 830g less waste per product sold. Watch the video pitch.

JA Brazil – E.O.P.’s ecobags are made from reusable materials, helping the company reach its goal of a greener world with less waste. Watch the video pitch.

JA Brazil – Repeleste developed its mosquito repellent during an outbreak of dengue arborviruses in the community. Made of a blend of IBD-certified essential oils and diluted with organic cold-pressed organic coconut oil, distilled water, and organic grain ethanol, the mosquito repellent utilizes green chemistry to minimize environmental impact. Watch the video pitch.

JA Brazil – Umbag strives to make day-to-day life easier with its waterproof umbrella bag. With a low price point, the Umbag is accessible to everyone. Watch the video pitch.

JA Colombia – Milticai makes and sells healthy, nutrient-dense drinks made from star apple, pitahaya, soursop, lemon and other lesser-known local fruits. The company seeks to find uses for fruits with lower demand to raise awareness and prevent eventual extinction. Watch the video pitch.

JA Colombia – Viveza provides pedagogical strategies using 3D-printed, virtual reality, and augmented reality educational models. Targeting educational institutions, Viveza seeks to modify content and work strategies in classrooms. Watch the video pitch.

JA Costa Rica – Funturo offers biodegradable packaging solutions made from the mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms and substrates from agricultural activities in the northern part of Costa Rica. The company aims to reduce dependence on traditional packaging that uses cardboard, plastic, and polystyrene foams. Watch the video pitch.

JA Guatemala – SuperHogar’s dome-shaped houses made of superadobe, a biomaterial, are more affordable than traditional constructions. The houses are also non-flammable, waterproof, and earthquake-resistant. Watch the video pitch.

JA Guatemala – Urko Farm produces livestock feed made from seaweed (Hydrilla verticillate) for famers in Guatemala. Watch the video pitch.

JA Guatemala – Eterna’s handmade soaps are suitable for all skin types. The macadamia-oatmeal soap, olive-rosemary oil soap, and lemon-mint tea soap each deep clean and revitalize skin with both astringent and moisturizing properties. Watch the video pitch.

JA Mexico – Huco makes tenebrios, which is chicken feed made from corn, crickets, and worms and supplemented with calcium. The company’s product was born from observation of poor-quality feed among egg-producing farms in the region. Watch the video pitch.

JA Mexico – Nopalife uses cactus sap as the basis of its waterproofing products. The all-natural, low-cost product supports the environment and the surrounding community. Watch the video pitch

JA Mexico – Zanbye provides insect-repellent products that safeguard people from diseases transmitted by mosquitos. Watch the video pitch.

JA Peru – Ecogee’s Vitae water purifier gives people direct access to drinking water, eliminating the need for single-use bottled water. Vitae can filter any fresh water source to provide clean, potable water. Watch the video pitch

JA Peru – Kokua’s KAPU BPA-free silicone cup comes in six colors. The folding design optimizes the storage space needed and makes the cup easy to transport in a backpack or purse. Watch the video pitch.

JA Uruguay – Xinix reduces waste from the textile industry by recycling discarded fabric to create household products, including aprons and cushions. Watch the video pitch.

The competition kicked into high gear on Day 2 as students made their business pitches on stage in front of the judges. Each student company had five minutes to market and sell its products or services and remark on the highs and lows of the year in business. The judges will use the business presentations, their interactions at the trade fair, and the individual interviews on Day 3 to score each student company to determine first-, second-, and third-place winners of the competition.

Celebration and Awards Ceremony

Each student company got an early start on Day 3, joining the judges for the final interviews. That evening, students from both the COY and FIE joined JA staff from around the region gathered to close out both the COY and FIE, and find out who won.

Business Idea Award: SuperHogar, JA Guatemala

Delta Social Impact Award: UrkoFarm, JA Guatemala

PMIEF Outstanding Project Management Award: Ecogee, JA Peru

FedEx Global Possibilities Award: Funturo, JA Costa Rica

Third Place: Umbag, JA Brazil

Second Place: Dentalis, JA Argentina

First Place, JA Americas Company of the Year: Nopalife, JA Mexico

As the JA Americas Company of the Year, Nopalife will join JA Europe Company of the Year Microgreens from JA Greece, JA USA Company of the Year Brainwave from JA of North Central Ohio, INJAZ Al-Arab JA MENA Company of the Year Join Me, JA Asia Pacific Company of the Year Fouha Crafts, and JA Africa Company of the Year Hekima Inc. to compete for the third-annual De La Vega Global Entrepreneurship Award in February 2023. Learn more about the award at jaworldwide.org/de-la-vega-award.