JA Alumni Join GenU's Third Cohort of the Global Young People's Action Team

May 21, 2024

Two JA alumni leaders from Asia Pacific have been selected to join the third cohort of Generation Unlimited’s (GenU) Global Young People’s Action Team (YPAT). The Global YPAT, comprised of young leaders from around the world, supports GenU’s efforts to ensure youth representation at local, regional, and global levels. YPAT members contribute insights to GenU’s planning, operationalization, programs, and partnerships. 

GenU, which counts UNICEF among its founding partners, is on a mission to skill 1.8 billion young people, connect them to employment opportunities, and empower young leaders to advocate for their rights and the rights of others. Previous members of YPAT cohorts have launched successful initiatives seeking to solve the climate crises or innovate new ways to reach marginalized young people with digital technology. Others are mobilizing their communities and advocating for young people with disabilities, gender equity, and much more. JA Worldwide CEO Asheesh Advani sits on GenU’s Global Leadership Council, working to advance the organization’s mission through advocacy, programs, and mobilization of resources.

YPAT infuses fresh perspectives into GenU’s governance structures by actively participating in decision-making processes. Members’ invaluable insights shape GenU’s operations, programs, and partnerships, paving the way toward an inclusive and empowering future where the dreams and ambitions of all young individuals thrive in a nurturing environment. 

We sat down with Angel “Abby” Payumo, a JA Guam alumna, and Stevia Petri, a Prestasi Junior Indonesia alumna, to learn more about YPAT and their involvement.

JA Worldwide: How did you hear about the YPAT opportunity, and why did you apply?

Abby Payumo: Sarah [Rapp, JA Worldwide Director of People and Alumni Engagement] messaged me and told me that JA had an excellent opportunity for me. Ultimately, it resonated with me, so I sent my CV! 

Stevia Putri: Sarah actually messaged me as well and told me that JA had an excellent opportunity for me! I proposed the idea to my professor, Mr. Rob, who had previously encouraged me to pursue my journey with JA, and asked him more about YPAT.

Abby Payumo: I got an email from GenU letting me know I was shortlisted in February. The next step was to submit a 90-second video. I was thrilled at the prospect of joining the YPAT. It’s a chance to further fuel my passion for Junior Achievement and marine biology. I was curious about how they operate, the advocacy part, and the numerous programs that GenU provides. They also have a strong affiliation with UNICEF. After doing more research, I found that YPAT alums often go on to pursue solutions to the Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs). This caught my attention because we are actively working on the Goals in Guam.

Stevia Putri: I was so excited to join YPAT because I saw it as a fantastic chance to speak up about what I believe in and share my passion for volunteering with young people worldwide. I’ve followed a lot of young leaders from previous cohorts who are united to make a change in their communities!

JA Worldwide: How did your JA experience prepare you for YPAT?

Abby Payumo: JA planted a seed in me that emphasized professionalism, made me more observant, strengthened my communication, and gave me the courage to take on challenges. My experience in the JA Company Program was very challenging, but I never quit. Even when I struggled during the program, I kept moving forward because my main goal was to gain experience and skills. I tell my current JA Students, “At the end of the day, whether your experiences are good or bad, you’re always learning something. You have to find what it is, learn about it, become aware of it, and you’ll be able to fulfill that lesson. You avoid it, acknowledge it, or find a solution.” If it wasn’t for my JA experiences, I wouldn't have developed the skillset I needed and I wouldn’t have applied for the YPAT.

Stevia Putri: JA has changed my life in so many ways. Before JA, I didn’t have any entrepreneurship or any management experience. I developed these skills through the JA Company Program, which led to other opportunities with JA. JA equipped me with a lot of the skills that I need, but it also helped me develop a love for my community.

After the JA Company Program, I wanted to do more and contribute more to my community. So I called Mr. Rob and told him I was interested in serving as President of the Prestasi Junior Indonesia Alumni network. Our main goal is to give back to the community. As a group of like-minded individuals, we make a lot of contributions to our society and the environment. We have visited and helped out at an orphanage and cleaned the beach. Our work revolves around the soul and heart and our love for our community. No matter how old you are, no matter your age, location, or skills, you can give back to the world. There are so many people in need. All you need is passion. JA really helped me find my passion for helping people and the environment.

JA Worldwide: What are your hopes and expectations for your time with YPAT?

Abby Payumo: I aim to bring positive change to my surroundings through community engagement, knowledge-sharing, and innovation. I always strive to improve my community. Guam’s dedication to implementing the SDGs deeply inspires me, and I want to continue that influence by focusing on Goal 4: Quality Education, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, and Goal 14: Life Below Water. I want to give it back to the island of Guam and the world, and I want to inspire my peers and foster a culture of growth and empowerment. Together, we can shape a better future for youth and for generations to come.

Stevia Putri: I’ve always dreamed of a world where young people come together to create a positive difference based on what we care about most. Being a part of this team, I can share my experiences more effectively and inspire others to take small but meaningful actions for the people and environment around us. I also hope to build partnerships with youth from different institutions and organizations to create an even bigger impact for the world.

Connect with Abby and Stevia on Gather!