Citi Foundation Amplifies Youth Voices in New Report

February 25, 2021

When it comes to young voices, we want to amplify them as much as possible. A new report from Plan International USA, conceptualized by YEFG and commissioned by Citi Foundation, is further proof that youth voices matter, especially in youth-employment programs. We're proud to call Citi Foundation our partner and share its meaningful work with our network.

Conceptualized by the Youth Employment Funders Group (YEFG) and commissioned by Citi Foundation, “Youth voices in youth employment: A roadmap for promoting meaningful youth engagement in youth employment programs,” aims to inform and strengthen the engagement of youth in funders’ and implementors’ investments, policies and programs around the world. The report establishes a first-of-its-kind roadmap that guides funders in effectively embedding youth voices and rights into their youth employment strategies and programs.