Asheesh Advani Shares Insights in JA Brazil Publication

November 17, 2015

In the latest issue of JA Brazil's publication Fazendo a Diferença, our CEO Asheesh Advani shares insights about entrepreneurship education in Brazil and around the world.

"JA Brazil’s work in entrepreneurship education is substantial, having reached more than 4 million students through their entrepreneurship-focused programs across all the Brazilian states. Entrepreneurship is increasingly being recognized as a significant path to tackling the global youth unemployment problem. With an impressive 18% year over year growth, last year JA Brazil reached 336,374 young people through more than 12,000 volunteers across 2,000 schools."

As a bonus, the article is written in both English and Portuguese, giving you the chance to practice your language skills! Take a look below, download a PDF of the article, or view the entire publication.