100 Years | 100 Lives: Jerome Cowan


April 26, 2016

100 Years | 100 Lives: Jerome Cowan

JA alumnus Jerome Cowans grew up in a violent Kingston, Jamaica, neighborhood. Thanks to a grant from FedEx, we traveled to Jamaica to meet Jerome—a youth-development consultant focused on youth leadership and empowerment—to find out how JA changed his life. Here's the first of four mini-videos.

In Part 2 of our video about Jerome Cowans, we find out why his Kingston, Jamaica, neighborhood inspired him to become a youth leader. 

“From a very young age, I wanted to take a stand against what was happening.” Watch Part 3 of our story about Jerome Cowans in Jamaica, a courageous JA alumnus. 

"I benefitted from JA in so many ways." Watch the final part of Jerome Cowans' story in Jamaica. 

Special thanks to Jerome, for letting us into his life, and to Persistent Productions for their incredible artistry in video production.